Fired Mud Stuff


Trunkuality // 2018 // 22”x12”x8” // ceramic

Come play with me, Cynthia // 2018 // 12”x12”x13” // slip-cast ceramic and fabric

Beauty in the Broken // 2016 // 7”x8”x13” // ceramic

Skin // 2016 // 6”x10”x6” // painted ceramic

When we were kids // 2019 // 14”x16”x16” // slip-cast ceramic, wire, dyed fabric

eCcentuate // 2018 // 11”x9”x6” // slip-cast ceramic, fabric, and wood

Starry Windy Night // 2017 // 22”x10”x10” // ceramic with decals

Fam // 2018 // 18”x12”x6” // screenprinted ceramic

Love for Poseidon // 2015 // 4”11”x5” // ceramic

Pluto // 2014 // 12”x12”x12” // ceramic

Gata // 2015 // 23”x9”x9” // ceramic