Home Sweet Home Installation

Ernest G. Welch School of the Arts

Georgia State University

BFA Exit Show

December 2018

Welcome home, Brit.

To incorporate a sense of nostalgia and comfort through my art is a way of bringing my home to the audience. I allow domestic structures and the conversation between them to tell my story in hopes to encourage others to consider their personal story and help uncover their self-identity. One of the most influential factors in our identity is where and how we live and who we allow to be a part of our home. Our environment molds us into who we grow to be now and in the future. Aging some materials while keeping other materials bare and natural demonstrates simplicity while also establishing history and letting the viewers think about the inevitable transitions through life and the longing of wanting everything to fit and make sense. Working through the process of carpentry and keeping the functionality of the work is a way to enable the environment created to feel authentic and trigger the viewers’s own memory and perception of the environment with which they surround themselves day-to-day. Creating an intimate setting by inviting them into my home filled with history and conversations and the effects of past actions- whether it be a child coloring the walls or furniture moving in and out or spills or angsty teenagers or pets running around- brings in the concept of humanism and personality and growth with a possibility to touch every viewer’s heart while bringing a little bit of humor to the table. The main goal of my art is to allow everyone to connect with my work in a way that either reminds them of their world now, or their world as they once knew it- or maybe even a world that they can live in their dreams.



Welcome home.

There’s a certain tranquility that overcomes me the moment I walk through my front door at night- the welcoming of the daisies on the counter and the rub hello of the cat on my leg. Through my front door is a world full of what could have beens and what will be. The past and the future, the loving families, and lonely hearts before me and the footsteps and giggles that might take my place when I move on one day. My home offers hope and allows peace and invites warmth. My home is what I can best make of what was and what I can best prepare for what will be-

And for now,

all I want to feel is what is,

and my home lets me.

2018 // 7’x3’x1’ // wood, paint, graphite, ink


& then she grew up. // 2018 // 36”x24”x15” // wood, metal, casted metal, fabrics, found objects


It’s just so fitting. // 2018 // 15”x71”x4” // wood and household mechanisms


Lovers’ Quarrel // 2018 // 75”x12”x8” // wood, metal, found objects, fabric, and thread


Outside In // 2018 // 8’x36"x8” // window, textiles, mirror glass, wood, household mechanisms


Open Me // 2018 // 36”x36”x7” // wood, metal, and household mechanisms


Disconnected // 2017 // 26”x41”x17” // wood


Hurt, Bandage, Heal // 2018 // 6”x5”x2” // wood, nails, and rubber bands