

In my life, art is a release- a way to express as well as communicate. I use many mediums to convey my own message, however it is also my goal to allow the audience to have an open interpretation of my pieces without necessarily telling them what the feelings are behind it. I like to focus on the natural beauty of nature, animals, and emotions in general. Some of my pieces involve breakage or destruction- merely to show the natural phases of life. Other pieces convey representations of animals or natural forces with hope to allow humans to see the emotions and authenticity of other life besides human life. I enjoy exploring organic forms as well as rigid and sharp geometric forms. However, since angles have always been my comfort zone, I plan to not only build on that practice this semester, but to also diverge from strict measurements. I would like to work on strengthening the contrast of my pieces by means of subject matter, style, and how free-flowing or structured they may be in final form. I would also like to expand my use of materials by including metal sculpture in my portfolio and having pieces in a series that are repeated in other material- like clay and wood.



Trunkuality // 2018 // 26”x28”x14” // welded steel

Trunkuality // 2018 // 28”x13”x13” // concrete with steel frame

Trunkuality // 2018 // 23”x12”x12” // walnut