Monthly Report | business & life
I have officially set a new goal for myself!
At the end of each month (or within the first few days of the new month), I’ll take myself to my favorite coffeeshop and complete some business updates, like a new email to my subscribers and fill in my profits/expenses spreadsheets for the previous month. Along with the finance documents and business admin stuff, I’ll also count this as a monthly goal meeting with myself to check my progress on past goals as well as set new checkpoints for my life and my art.
These checkpoints will not only be business related, but also lifestyle, health, personal life, and educational expectations. The only way to better ourselves is to actually take a look at who we are and where we want to be, striving to close that gap.
Is it nerdy that I’m actually really looking forward to my solo coffee meetings?
I am also a stickler about my personal finances. I am the person who checks all of her accounts at least once every couple of days. I know exactly how much I have and how much I owe and need to pay out. So usually twice a month, I sit down to track my income vs. expenses and write out how much I’ll be able to transfer into my investments and savings accounts. This will probably be a task completed on my solo date as well.
I urge you to do this with me!
Set up a date, convenient to you but also non-negotiable and totally by yourself (it’s always good to have a goal planning date with your partner too). To anyone who wants a little more detail into my process and sources, drop a comment or contact me and I’ll let you know what I have set up so far!
It’s always nice to sit down and take a look at where you are at in life.
Writing it down by hand helps you process your goals even more deeply, leading to more success in accomplishing them!